Introduction to Cyber Security
A cyber security incident that impacts a small business can be devastating. Unfortunately, we see the impact of cyber security incidents each and every day, on individuals, large companies and small businesses.Luckily, cyber security doesn’t have to be difficult. There are simple measures that, if understood and implemented, can significantly avoid or reduce the impact of the most common cyber security incidents.Your company has over the past months worked to improve our cyber security posture to comply with the requirements of and gain our accreditation with the Defense Industry Security Program (DISP).
The Defence Industry Security Program (DISP) assists in securing Defence capability through strengthened security practices in partnership with industry, and enhances Defence’s ability to manage risk in the evolving security environment. By placing a high personal value on security, you set the benchmark to foster a strong culture.
Topics to be covered
Introduction to IT SecurityCyber Security Response PlanPasswords/PassphrasesMalware and AntivirusRansom AttacksPhishing AttacksSocial MediaMulti Factor AuthenticationPhysical IT Security